Eggs are tasty, inexpensive, and full of nourishing elements. In addition to being excellent sources of good quality protein, eggs contain many nutrients: several vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
What are nourishing elements in the egg?
The best eggs contain about 6 g of protein. These are distributed almost evenly between white and yellow. What's more, these proteins are of very good quality since they contain the nine amino acids essential for growth and your child's development.
The majority of an egg's calories, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are found in its yolk. However, please do not neglect the white of the egg since it contains half of its riboflavin (vitamin B2) and its proteins.
Remember that fats are essential since they provide energy and essential fatty acids. Plus, they help your child absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. Your toddler's diet should not be limited in fat.
At what age can you start to give eggs to your baby?
The baby is prepared to eat solid foods at six months. Therefore, it is advisable to offer him iron-rich foods, and eggs are one of them. In premium eggs, iron is mostly found in the yolk and they are rich in Omega 3. Your baby can digest the white too, but the nutrients in the yolk are more attractive to him. As long as he eats small amounts, offer him the yolk.
What about eggs enrichment?
Ise Eggs enriched with omega-3 are produced by adding flax seeds to chickens' diet. Flax seeds contain omega-3 fatty acid, which is partly found in eggs. In addition, hens convert a proportion of these fats into omega-3s similar to those found in oily fish. Studies show that consuming omega-3 enriched eggs is a very effective way to lower blood triglycerides. Omega 3 is also very good for kids brain development as it contains DHA and also for the skin and hair health.
Lots of protein
Eggs are rich in protein (12%): in short, in 2 eggs, i.e., 100 grams, there are 12 grams of protein. Egg proteins are perfect. The high protein eggs have all the essential amino acids, both yolk and white. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles and help in child growth.
Minerals, iodine
The Best egg for kids also contains minerals and trace elements: for example, the egg is rich in iodine. It is very important for the development of the thyroid gland in a child: it provides the basis for metabolism, physical and mental development of the child's growth.
Choline, Lutein and zeaxanthin
The choline, Lutein and zeaxanthin content of an egg is almost entirely concentrated in the yolk. Research has confirmed that lutein and zeaxanthin, which are good for eye health. Egg is one of the few food sources that contains choline and choline is needed for the brain and nerve health.
ISE eggs are the best eggs for children as they are safe, healthy and delicious.
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