Showing posts with label high quality eggs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high quality eggs. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

What is the Healthiest Brand of Eggs to Buy?

An egg is the most perfect and complete food one can have. Anybody can consume high quality eggs, people of any age group, without any problems with the digestive system. Instead, it is incredibly healthy to eat an egg. Besides helping you build your body, it helps keep you immune to many diseases because of all the nutrients in the egg.

Ise eggs are some of the best eggs found in the market currently. Usually, eggs are cultured over manures, which can lead to the contamination of various lethal bacteria such as salmonella. However, Ise eggs are cultivated over a hygienic and safe ecosystem that produces fresh and nutritious eggs. The temperature is scientifically controlled, allowing the egg to grow completely and maintain a strict hygiene level. 

Ise eggs started their operations in Japan, but recently they have transferred their operations and started producing these high quality eggs in India. 

Here is how Ise eggs are organic eggs and can be eaten by anyone with maximum safety.

Grass Fed special Formula Fed Chickens

Ise Foods, with local food technology departments, have formulated high-quality grass-fed nutritional feed for the chickens who lay the eggs. The chickens are safely raised to be healthy and produce good quality and tasty eggs. The feed consists of organic foods like corn, soybean, and other mixed ingredients like fish flour, brans, essential oils, and calcium supplements. The grass-fed eggs are thus high quality.

UV Sanitized Eggs

Once the eggs are laid, they are washed under machines and sanitized through UV rays to eliminate unhealthy bacteria like salmonella. Samples like fatty acids and vitamins from these eggs are collected and analyzed for further development.

Cold Chain Transport System

The eggs are then transported to various stores through sterilized trucks. These trucks are at a fixed temperature of 15°C to ensure the safety and health of the eggs. When transported through cold chain systems, the eggs stay nutritious and fresh for a long time.


Eggs are the best and most nutritious part of your meal. Hence they should be consumed daily. Eating high-quality eggs also matters since they provide proper nutrition and no problems.

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Which one is more nutritious, boiled or fried egg?

 A lot of people have this assumption that boiled eggs are more nutritious and healthy than fried egg. But the truth is, the composition of a fried egg and boiled egg are almost so similar that it hardly makes any difference. Even if we study about these two, there would be hardly any difference between boiled and nutritious eggs. But if we theorize boiled egg and nutritious egg, boiled egg would be considered more nutritious than the fried egg.                                                                                                                                     

Boiled eggs are cooked without oil or butter, that adds additional calories and fat to the egg dish. If we compare, one fried egg consists about 90 calories and 6.83 grams of fat, out of which 2 grams are saturated. Best eggs

Friday, June 17, 2022

Why add Eggs in Your Kid's Diet?

 High-quality eggs are a great source of protein, iron, vitamins, and lipids for children. However, it should also be highlighted that you should avoid providing your children with an excessive quantity of eggs since it is a rich source of protein and may cause renal damage if consumed in excess. Additionally, an overabundance of eggs may produce nausea and vomiting. Therefore, it is recommended that kids consume no more than two eggs each day to obtain additional nutrients from other meals.

#1. Complete protein

Eggs are a source of complete protein. Per serving, each egg has 6 grams of protein. Proteins are the building blocks of a youthful body and are necessary for synthesizing new cells and regenerating old ones. Eggs help youngsters grow bigger and stronger.

#2: Eggs are Choline-Rich

Eggs are considered "brain food" because they contain choline, a vitamin-like substance that aids brain development and improves memory. According to specific research, ninety %of Americans do not get enough choline. Give the best eggs for kids if you want your children to be more innovative and have higher brain function.

#3: Eggs contain vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 provides energy to the body, safeguards the brain, and enhances mood. It isn't easy to digest, particularly in tablet form. Consuming vitamin B12-containing meals is the most excellent way to absorb this essential mineral.

#4: Eggs are Gluten-free

Numerous children and adults suffer from gluten sensitivity nowadays. Best eggs are still permissible if you or your children require a gluten-free diet.

# 5 : Eggs contain high levels of cholesterol.

A single premium egg has 212 milligrammes of cholesterol, more than 50 % of the recommended daily consumption of 300 milligrammes. Remember that cholesterol in the diet does not inevitably increase blood cholesterol levels. And 70 % of egg eaters have no increase in their cholesterol levels.

#6: Eggs include 9 Essential Amino Acids

Amino acids are the fundamental components of proteins. "Essential" indicates that the body cannot produce them, and we must obtain them through diet. Organic eggs contain all nine of these essential amino acids.

#7: Eggs contain the antioxidants Lutein and Zeaxanthin

These two antioxidant carotenoids help eye health. They combat ageing-related degenerative processes that might harm the eyes, such as macular degeneration and cataracts. This is where most of these antioxidants are found, so eat the yolk.

Japanese eggs are the ideal food. Create your children and adolescents. Try various preparations to make them more delicious to your family's taste buds. Observe how you and your children feel after consuming eggs. Most individuals experience a boost in energy, satiety (feeling full but not unpleasant), and mental clarity.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

What is the best way to eat an egg?

Eggs are known to be a Versatile food item that can be eaten in so many different ways, it can be hard-boiled, poached, scrambled and many more other ways as well. These high quality eggs are enjoyed as part of a balanced, healthy diet as they are filled with so many important nutrients that can help a person stay fit and healthy. 

That is why, eggs are often referred to as high protein eggs or nutritious eggs as well since they fulfil every important health need of a human body. Majority of the people love eating eggs in their breakfast as eating a high protein egg will keep you full and balanced. People love eating eggs and hence there is no perfect way of eating an egg, these premium eggs can be eaten in any way of their own choice that they love and enjoy.

Tuesday, June 14, 2022

7 Health Benefits of including Eggs in your Diet

Eggs are one of the most versatile foods available to everyone. Eggs can be prepared in various ways, sometimes with no effort. A basic boiled or scrambled egg is delightful, but it also delivers several nutritional advantages.


The high-quality eggs may be combined with a variety of vegetables and other dishes to become the dish's focal point. Eggs' diet-friendliness is one of the primary reasons they have gained a devoted following. Eggs are rich in protein, and protein-rich meals are necessary for the body to repair itself, develop stronger, and become healthier. Eggs include traces of carbohydrates, but not enough to derail your Diet.



Eggs are an excellent source of omega-3s.


Omega-3s are unique forms of polyunsaturated fatty acids and a family of "essential fats" that play a vital part in the function of your cell membranes, from heart and brain health to eye protection. As your body creates a limited quantity of Omega-3s on its own, it is helpful to actively absorb them via diverse dietary sources.

Egg yolks are known to increase metabolic rate.


Egg yolks, sometimes known as the yellow portion of the egg, contain choline. This element is a primary source of nourishment for the body. Choline is available in little amounts in other meals, and the body can only produce a small quantity of it each time.


 By consuming premium eggs, you are stocking up on choline and ensuring that you have enough of this vitamin to experience its benefits. One large egg provides 145 milligrammes of choline, which is more than a fifth of the recommended daily allowance of 550 mg.


A reliable source of Vitamin D.


The egg yolk includes a substantial quantity of vitamin D, a well-known substance that helps bone health and immunity. The exception to this rule is the egg yolk, which contains vitamin D naturally.


The egg yolk contains all of the vitamin D present in eggs; thus, it is vital to ingest this component. Eggs include vitamin D, which aids in weight loss and the burning of abdominal fat and prevents anxiety and melancholy.

Eggs include antioxidants that are great for eye health


The best eggs for kids include a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin E, and selenium, which all serve as crucial antioxidants for maintaining eye health, and retinal function and preventing age-related vision degeneration.



Eggs are a high source of lutein and zeaxanthin antioxidants, which both serve a preventive role in lowering the risk of certain eye illnesses, such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. According to studies, the body absorbs these antioxidants better from eggs than other plant sources.


Eggs are filling and help with weight control.


Eggs are one of the finest foods for weight control since they are relatively low in calories and a rich source of excellent protein. The high satiety levels of eggs result in increased feelings of contentment, decreased hunger, and a less urge to eat later in the day, so you will be less likely to grab that mid-afternoon snack.



Filled with Protein 

The vast majority of individuals understand that eggs are an excellent source of protein. Protein-rich, high-calorie diets may help obese individuals lose weight significantly. A single big egg includes around 6 grams of high-quality protein, making it an excellent option for individuals who want to maintain weight.

Good for both the brain and the body 

Eggs contain a significant quantity of choline, a vitamin that is believed to be crucial for brain development. Pregnant women are often encouraged to include eggs in their prenatal Diet to enhance the absorption of vital nutrients. Eggs are a rich source of choline, which is beneficial to the brain development of young children.


Eggs increase the levels of "good" cholesterol.


Eggs boost high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels, or "good" cholesterol as it is usually called, and this is one reason why eggs have been shown to have little to no influence on the risk of heart disease. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), sometimes known as "bad" cholesterol, poses a threat to cardiovascular health. High-saturated- and trans-fat-containing meals, such as fried fast food, are the primary contributors to elevated LDL cholesterol levels.


Boost thyroid performance


Eggs include iodine and selenium, which are necessary elements for the body to produce thyroid hormones. The thyroid plays a key role in regulating body weight by modulating metabolism. These substances present in eggs may improve thyroid function and manage weight reduction.



If you are trying to integrate a new diet plan to enhance your daily routine, eggs are the finest option for achieving your nutritional demands. Consuming a cooked egg is one of the simplest methods to speed up the metabolism, promoting weight reduction. The optimum time to eat eggs for weight loss is either for breakfast in the morning or after exercise. The best eggs are an excellent source of protein, vitamins, and other essential elements.

Friday, June 10, 2022

What things can I eat as a pre-workout in a low budget?

One food item that is known to be the powerhouse of nutrition, is pocket friendly, and versatile are eggs. You can make so many new dishes using best eggs like boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, French toast and what not just with eggs. 

Premium eggs are known to be the best pre workout item, they are nutritionally balanced, low calorie diet especially for those who are health- conscious and wants to manage their weight. The egg whites consist of protein and the yolk supplies vitamins, minerals, and other healthy nourishments that helps your body to stay healthy even when you're on a low calorie diet.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Which body benefits from eating eggs?

All types of body can have or consume eggs without any worries. Eating best eggs everyday can help improve red blood cells in your blood as well as also helps with weight loss. Even the newborn baby can start having eggs after 6 months of their birth in a form of a puree or mashing one hard-boiled or scrambled egg. Eggs are known as the nutritious treat since it consists of some really important vitamins, proteins, folate, Folate, Selenium, Phosphorus, Calcium, Zinc and many more other nutritional properties as well. It is preferred to consume eggs in breakfast as it is known to be perfect meal to start your day that will keep you full and also maintains your healthy lifestyle as well.

It is okay to eat eggs in summers as well though in moderation (1-2 eggs). There is a lot of misconception that eating eggs can sometimes be harmful for you but the truth is that having eggs in moderation has no harmful effect on anyone. High quality Eggs are versatile and can be made into so many varieties like scrambled, poached, boiled and many more.

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Why Do Growing Kids Need to Eat Eggs Everyday?

Kids need eggs for growth. Since time immemorial people have been eating eggs and it continues to rule our menus and meals for a good reason. High quality eggs not only offer culinary variety in form of hard-boiled eggs, omelettes, egg wraps, deviled eggs, egg biryani, and so on- they also are a great source of protein, vitamins, and many other nutrients that nourish and offer various health benefits to us. 

Premium eggs, which contain protein, healthy fats, omega-3, and an assortment of other nutrients, form a healthy part of your child's diet. Yet many parents wonder how many eggs can they give to a child each day? Many parents also worry about the cholesterol content in eggs. But one needs to remember here that the fats in eggs are healthy fats and do not harm the body unless it's grossly overrated. 

As long as your child is not over-consuming cholesterol and saturated fat from other protein sources, eating 1-3 high protein eggs every day is perfect for an active growing child. 

Egg Nutrition

Eggs are easy to find, versatile, and easy to prepare food items that are loved by many kids. Eggs also provide important nutrients that are vital to children's diets.


As per Dietary Guidelines for Americans children aged between 9 to 13 can have 2- 3 eggs every day without any problem. But for balanced growth, it’s good to offer variety in a child’s food choices. So, if an egg provides the protein at breakfast, you can offer some other type of protein at lunch and dinner for texture, variety and flavor. Nevertheless, it's perfectly fine for kids to eat eggs for more than one meal a day, as desired or chosen.


Growing kids need choline and high quality eggs are a great source of choline. Choline is an essential nutrient that helps in cognitive development. One big hard-boiled egg contains about 147 mg of choline. The suggested consumption for children is:

150 mg daily from 7 months to 1 year

200 mg daily from 1 to 3 years

250 mg daily from 4 to 8 years

375 mg daily from 9 to 13 years

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

Lutein and zeaxanthin are key nutrients that support and take care of eye health. These vitamins are carotenoids (yellow and red pigments) and are found in the egg yolk. One hard-boiled egg contains 353 micrograms of lutein and zeaxanthin. Eating eggs daily helps kids to have good eye health. 

Always choose high protein eggs for children when you buy eggs. Best eggs are the eggs that are kept in temperature-controlled racks so that they stay safe and fresh longer. 

Friday, May 6, 2022

Ise Suzuki Egg - High quality premium eggs

ISE Egg Company was founded in 1912 in Japan. After offering the most nutritious and hygienic eggs for 3 generations; we are now bringing these super-nutritious antibiotic-free and completely safe eggs to India for the first time. ISE Foods has always been passionate about making delicious eggs. We have developed the highest class freshness of international standards with a consistent freshness preservation system using the latest technology.

The company does consistent in-house execution of all processes including raising three generations of chickens in a clean comfortable environment, egg collection, packing, and delivery. This makes it possible to provide high-quality eggs safely, every day.

Premium Eggs

Best Eggs

About Us - Ise Suzuki Eggs.

Company Profile - Ise-Suzuki Egg India Pvt. Ltd.

Group of Ise Foods Inc. Companies.

History of Ise Foods.

B2B of Safe & Nutritious Eggs.

The Ise Integration System To India.

Recycling Agriculture of Ise Eggs.

Ise Suzuki Egg Research Institute.

Good job opportunity.

Nutritious Eggs Recipes.

Did You Know - Safe & Nutritious Eggs.

Contact Us For Hygienic, Safe & Best Eggs.

Latest Blog for Healthy Life.

The Love For Sushi – Let’s Find Out About Egg Sushi.

10 Hidden Benefits of Premium Eggs.

The Truth Behind Egg Yolks – Don’t Toss It Away Ever.

How to Buy High-Quality Eggs?

7 Quick Healthy Dinner Ideas (Under 30 Minutes).

High-Quality Eggs and the Truth Behind the Labels.

5 Easy and Delicious Egg Breakfast Recipes for Kids.

What are Omega 3 Eggs?

How Can Eggs Help to Loss Weight?

For More Blogs Click Here...

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Best way to choose Premium eggs

 Eggs are exceptionally wealthy in protein and numerous different vitamins which might be vital for our body. Selecting the fine eggs is a essential component to get the maximum out of it. Many situations need to be saved in mind, along with how natural it is, the surroundings, etc. Choosing excessive exceptional eggs will now no longer best provide you with the fine vitamins, however additionally you may have a exceptional flavor at the same time as eating them. 

Here are 5 methods to pick out the premium eggs to keep away from skipping the vitamins any day.

Choose the kind of egg you need to consume:

Though there's no strict categorization of eggs, we are able to kind of divide them primarily based totally on how they're produced and their kind of vitamins. Generally, you may discover natural, loose-range, and omega-three high quality eggs labels at the packaging. Getting the right information and variations approximately a majority of these could assist you pick out a nutritious egg in your wholesome diet.

Labels which are unregulated need to be avoided:

Don't fall into the entice of unregulated labels, which can be deceptive you. Tags along with natural, top class eggs, natural eggs, etc., should not be taken into consideration till and except FSSAI approves it. Always test for approval of FSSAI after which purchase the eggs.

Select the eggs which might be easy and feature uncracked shells:

Sometimes you could discover broken eggs or grimy eggs. Try to keep away from the ones eggs which might be broken because of mishandling in the course of transportation or shipping. Always pick out easy and crack-loose eggs.

Choose small or medium length eggs:

If possible, constantly try and pick out eggs which are small or medium in length as those eggs are much less probable to emerge as infected through bacteria, and you may shop them for longer durations. 

Choosing refrigerated eggs:

If you purchase eggs from stores, it is constantly an excellent concept to shop for the refrigerated eggs as refrigerated eggs are loose from foodborne ailments like salmonella and are greater sparkling eggs. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

5 Ways to Choose best Eggs

Eggs are highly rich in protein and various other nutrients which are essential for our body. Selecting the best eggs is a vital aspect to get the most out of it. Many conditions should be kept in mind, such as how organic it is, the surroundings, etc. Choosing high quality eggs will not only give you the best nutrition, but also you will have a great taste while consuming them.

Here are five ways to choose the best eggs to avoid skipping the nutrition any day.

1. Choose the type of egg you want to consume: 

Though there is no strict categorization of eggs, we can roughly divide them based on how they are produced and their type of nutrition. Generally, you will find organic, free-range, and omega-3 eggs labels on the packaging. Getting the proper knowledge and differences about all these would help you choose a nutritious egg for your healthy diet.

2. Labels that are unregulated should be avoided: 

Don't fall into the trap of unregulated labels, which may be misleading you. Tags such as natural, premium eggs, organic eggs, etc., shouldn't be considered until and unless FSSAI approves it. Always check for approval of FSSAI and then buy the eggs.

3. Select the eggs which are clean and have uncracked shells:

Sometimes you may find damaged eggs or dirty eggs. Try to avoid those eggs which are damaged due to mishandling during transportation or shipping. Always choose clean and crack-free eggs.

4. Choose small or medium size eggs:

If possible, always try to choose eggs that are small or medium in size as these eggs are less likely to become contaminated by bacteria, and you can store them for longer durations.

5. Choosing refrigerated eggs:

If you buy eggs from stores, it's always  a good idea to buy the refrigerated eggs as refrigerated eggs are free from foodborne illnesses like salmonella and are more fresh eggs.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Eat Egg Yolks for Better Health

Having premium eggs for breakfast is a great way to start the day. There are several health benefits associated with egg nutrition. Besides being high in protein, they also contain vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Most days, we have eggs as part of our breakfast, whether omelets, scrambles, or boiled. We also incorporate them into various salads and main dishes. 

But you may have noticed that numerous articles and people are saying not to eat the yellow part of the best eggs, that is the egg Yolks. This is completely untrue. The reality is that egg yolks are very nutritious and the same has been proved by a study conducted by Harvard Medical School.

Here are a few facts that you might consider about eating egg yolks for your better health. 

  1. Egg yolks have fats and cholesterol - this is true. But the fat here is good fat and studies have proved that dietary cholesterol of eggs does not impact heart health.  The yolk holds 93% of a whole egg's iron while the white holds 7%. Egg yolks are the best high protein foods. Egg yolks also contain omega-3, an essential fatty acid that improves heart health and Vitamin -D. 
  2. You can find essential nutrients in it, including Vitamin B6, B12, A, D, E, and K. Egg yolks contain carotenoids, which are beneficial for eye health. In addition to their antioxidant abilities, carotenoids protect the retina against damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin choline, found in egg yolks, has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to keep the cardiovascular system healthy.
  3. Because of their high protein content, eggs are one of the best foods for weight loss. Those proteins may also increase your metabolism, which may help you burn more calories. This can be used as a diet plan for weight loss for female. You might be throwing away a lot of valuable nutrients by throwing away egg yolks the next time you have them. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Shopping for Eggs? Here's What You Need to Know

 The egg is the perfect food: It is nutrient-dense and affordable, has about 70 calories per serving, and tastes great in breakfast dishes and baked goods. Many factors must be considered when buying eggs, including price, high quality eggs, nutrition, local economies, and animal welfare. Due to the lack of verification of most labels, consumers often need to rely on the manufacturer's word alone.  

Consider buying regular or cage-free eggs if your budget is tight. A pasture-raised egg or a fresh egg from a local farm may be your best bet if you're more concerned about your health. You may wish to purchase pasture-raised or Humane Certified label eggs if animal cruelty is of concern to you or if you want to support humane farming practices as much as possible.

Let's look at the few things you should take care of while shopping for eggs.

1. Always consider refrigerated eggs: 

Eggs should always be purchased from a refrigerator. Retailers usually deliver eggs in vehicles maintained at no higher than 20°C. This reduces the risk of salmonella infection. Refrigerated eggs are transported via cold chain and are the safest and freshest eggs 

2. FSSAI Mark:

Ensure that the FSSAI mark is visible on the label. FSSAI -graded eggs are guaranteed to meet strict quality standards by carrying a shield indicating that they have been certified and inspected.

3. Size of egg:

Consider the most cost-effective and valuable size. Eggs are not measured by dimensions but rather by weight. In baking, a particular size egg is called for in many recipes..

4. Type of egg:

Farm fresh eggs that are rich in Omega-3 and Vitamin E & D are  healthier and the best eggs for kids. Read the labels carefully and buy the best eggs

5. Out-of-date eggs: 

Eggs that are out of date should not be purchased. Within a short period of time, the yolk will begin to absorb the water in the egg white, causing the white to become thinner and the yolk to become more prominent, flatter, and easier to break.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Is it Good to Give Kids Eggs for Breakfast Everyday

Eggs are a powerhouse of various nutrients containing healthy fats, protein, iron, and other vital nutrients essential for a growing child. Therefore, it is absolutely fine to give eggs in breakfast to kids every day as long as they consume a variety of food throughout the day and do not exceed the saturated fat and cholesterol requirement from other protein sources. Some of the benefits of giving your kids the best eggs every day for breakfast are as follows.

Keep Them Satiated.

Today obesity among children is quite prevalent; one of the main reasons is unhealthy food choices. But on the other hand, eggs are a good source of healthy fats that keep them satiated and have muscle-building proteins essential for a growing child. Therefore, Premium eggs for kids as their daily breakfast will keep them full for a long time, and thereby they won't have the urge to eat anything, let alone anything unhealthy.

Help Kids to Burn Fat.

Giving non-nutritious food makes kids lethargic, and thereby their bodies will keep accumulating unhealthy fats. However, the presence of an amino acid profile in eggs supports building and preserving lean muscles, which helps immensely in burning fat and keeping the children fit and active.

Help in their Overall Development

As we all know, Eggs are a powerhouse of all the necessary nutrients. The best eggs for kids contain protein, choline, various micronutrients, loads of vitamins, and other essential nourishments essential for a growing child. These nutrients are helpful in their brain development, keep their energy level, and help in their muscle building.

Therefore it is established that the best breakfast to give your child is an egg every day. It is a healthy way to start the day and, in the long run, helps in the children's overall health due to the presence of essential nutrients in it.

Monday, January 17, 2022

How to Choose and Buy Truly Good Eggs

What to look for while buying an ISE egg is a lot more complex than you would think. There are many things to think about: free-range, pasture-raised, cage-free, organic, and so on. What about the chickens, though? What did they eat before they lay the eggs you're considering buying, and how were they raised?

Premium Eggs seen on grocery store shelves have undergone a stringent USDA inspection process. They're transported under strict circumstances to ensure their safety and pass-through quality inspection.

Even so, you need to be aware of how to choose high-quality eggs. Here are some pointers to consider:

Think about refrigeration:

Every time, buy eggs from a refrigerated case. Eggs are usually delivered to stores in vehicles kept at a temperature of no more than 45°F (7°C)—these aids in the prevention of food borne illnesses like salmonella.

Look for cracks

Choose eggs with smooth, uncracked shells. When you're in the grocery store, open the carton of eggs and look for any breakage or cracks. If you detect any cracks in the eggs, don't buy them because salmonella can enter the inside.

Double-check the date

Don't buy eggs over their expiration date. With time, the yolk will begin to absorb the water in the egg white, making the egg white thinner and the yolk bigger, flatter, and easier to break. Even though the eggs are over their "sell by" date, you can keep them in your fridge for three to five weeks after you bring them home.

Look for the USDA mark on the label: 

Check to determine if the USDA mark is present on the label. The eggs have been examined and verified to fulfil tight quality high standard egg standards, as evidenced by a shield displaying the USDA grade of eggs.

Identify the suitable grade level: 

Most stores have Grade A eggs on their shelves. The white of Grade A eggs is characterized as "fairly" firm, whereas the white of Grade AA eggs is categorized as "reasonably" firm. Remember that anything below a Grade B is not a good option.

Select the appropriate type: 

Select the sort of egg depending on your preferences. Pasture-raised eggs are nutritious, cage-free eggs are cost-effective, and normal eggs are "standard," among other things.

Determine the optimal size for your needs:

Choose the most cost-effective and convenient size. The weight of the egg, rather than its dimensions, determines its size. Many recipes, especially in baking, require a specific egg size. Large eggs are the best egg for kids in most cases.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Benefits of Eating Nutritious and Hygienic Eggs

 Eggs are the ultimate superfoods, and they help get the best of the nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the body. Eggs are popular to be eaten as a breakfast food and are consumed by many people globally. High-quality eggs help get some essential nutrients balanced for the body, so let us check the main benefits of eating nutritious and hygienic eggs.

  • Eggs have the best nutrition.

Eggs are extremely rich in protein and have several nutrients and minerals. Vitamin D, Omega 3 Fatty acids, Folate, Riboflavin are just some of the crucial minerals there. Some other nutrition available is Vitamin A, E, B5 and B12. Apart from these, iron, iodine and phosphorus are also there. Egg protein mainly boosts metabolism, improves heart health, and improves mental health.

  • Look after the overall health.

Eggs, as discussed before, are the powerhouse of various proteins and vitamins and contain all the nine essential amino acids needed by the body for muscle improvement and growth. Egg nutrition helps increase HDL levels or good cholesterol levels. These are responsible for maintaining the cholesterol level and reducing the risk of heart diseases. Also, the eggs are rich in Vitamin A, zinc and protein that is extremely good for maintaining the vision of humans.

  • Helps to regulate body-weight

Since eggs are a prevalent breakfast food, we must purchase the best eggs to consume. It makes us feel full for a long time by enhancing the Leptin levels. Leptin is mainly a hormone responsible for making us feel full, and it is also responsible for delaying the time in which the food leaves the stomach. Leptin, along with the low-calorie eggs, help in regulating the weight in humans and increase their energy levels in humans.

  • It makes the hair healthy.
As per ISE Foods India, eggs are an extremely rich source of proteins and biotins, which are incredibly beneficial for silky and shiny hair growth. They nourish the hair, improve the hair quality, repair the damaged hair, and control hair breakage by conditioning the scalp. The lecithin in the egg yolk looks after the hair quality and growth and makes it smooth. Eggs also have calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, along with particular vitamins and minerals that help make the hair quality better.
  • Enhances the skin's health
Egg whites are laden with protein, which is vital for the skin as it tightens the skin and enhances the natural repairing by eradicating acne and oils. Eggs make the skin soft and hydrate it. The lutein and the zeaxanthin protect the skin against the sun's ultraviolet rays, which leads to lines and brown spots in the skin. So, it mainly covers the skin from discoloration.

These are some of the reasons why eggs are hugely beneficial for us. So, if not only for food, people should also consume eggs because they are responsible for providing good hair—skin and overall wellness. We must always include eggs in our daily diet to get the best results from them.

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Is it safe for Children to have Eggs Everyday?

The age of 5  to 16 is when kids' maximum physical and brain development happen, so their food must be full of vital nutrients. Having high quality eggs will help them quickly meet the necessary nutrition goal every day. Today obesity in children is very high, so they must manage their weight. An egg is a wholesome food that helps in keeping weight in check. Eggs for breakfast also keeps you satiated for long and curbs the junk food cravings.  

Busting myths on egg consumption for children

There is a myth that having eggs every day is not safe for children, and today we will break that misconception. Eggs have all the essential amino acids, and they are a rich source of choline, vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, good cholesterol, Omega -3  and essential minerals that are 100% necessary for child development and muscle growth. 

Without these nutrients, children usually face deficiency problems which might further lead to serious health issues. And so, it is indeed healthy for kids to consume eggs every day, especially for breakfast or as midday meals. It will keep their tummies fuller and help them retain energy for the whole day. Egg protein will help you build the right muscle mass and support weight management.

There are various ways to make eggs a fun meal for kids. You can whip it up as an omelette, or you can use them in a french toast that the kids find tasty. One egg has around 160 grams of good cholesterol. Consuming this will minimize the risk of childhood heart disease. According to the standard health guidelines, children must consume 280 milligrams of cholesterol every day.

The upper limit to the number of eggs you can eat

Though eggs are very healthy and kids have one egg daily without any problem. But it's a good idea to have good portions of fruits, vegetables and other foods along with eggs. It’s good to mix up foods within each food group because they all have different combinations of nutrients. But eggs are very healthy for kids. There are various nutrients in eggs that are a must for kids. Some of the top nutrients are-


If we consider one egg as one ounce of protein, developing children need 12 ounces of egg protein, and younger children need 3 ounces. Though there are other protein options, an egg is the safest choice, so preferably giving your child a whole boiled egg or egg whites for breakfast will be helpful.

Omega-3 eggs fatty acids

It helps reduce the risk of heart disease, and so usually, in poultry, to increase the necessary fatty acids in eggs, they feed the chickens flax seeds, thus increasing the nutrient value and Omega -3.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin

It helps in improving the eye health of kids. Today we see many children wearing glasses, so it becomes much more challenging for them to manage their everyday chores without spectacles in later years. Therefore having eggs every day will help them better their eyesight as it has lutein and zeaxanthin. 

Conclusion: Therefore by consuming egg nutrition, a child's development will be as per today's health guidelines. But eating stale eggs can be dangerous. So invest in buying the best eggs by ISE Foods India and give your family a healthy life. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Are eggs good for you? If so, what are the health benefits?

Eggs are the best source of high protein eggs, 13 vital vitamins and minerals, and  other essential things of the body. At the same time, the yolk contains the rest and essential healthy elements. As a result, everything balances out. Saturated fats raise most people's blood cholesterol from processed foods, not eggs. 

  1. Get yourself some choline

It helps by producing signaling molecules in the brain and is utilized to create cell membranes. Eggs are high in heart-healthy and heart-disease-preventive nutrients. Eggs contain folate, unsaturated fatty acids, Vitamin E, and specific B vitamins.

  1. Eggs are suitable for your eyesight.

You should take better care of your eyes as you get older. Egg yolks have high content in lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that lower cataracts and macular degeneration in the eyes. 

  1. Eggs can benefit in the form of brain health

An egg contains 125.5 mg of choline. Choline is not only healthy for your heart, but it is also necessary for your brain. Choline aids with memory and mood regulation. It has been proved in studies to aid cognitive functions such as visual and verbal memory—choline aids in the formation of the membranes that surround your cells. 

  1. Good source of protein

Protein is commonly referred to as the body's building block, and this is true. A three-egg omelet contains 19.5 grams of protein, which is about half of your daily allowance. So you are just consuming 250 calories and it's a pretty filling lunch.

  1. It's good for your heart.

There is no clear link among egg use and heart disease or stroke, different to trendy credence in prior decades. However, other research suggests that patients with diabetes who eat eggs are more likely to develop heart disease. According to certain research, those who consume eggs and follow a low-carbohydrate diet had a lower risk of heart disease.

  1. Lower Triglycerides level in body

Triglycerides are connected to an enlarged risk of heart illness. When you consume, the fat that isn't immediately needed gets turned to triglycerides. They can be found in your blood as well as your fat cells. Omega-3 fatty acids included in eggs help to lower blood triglycerides. This feature is only available in Omega-3 fortified eggs or eggs from pasture-fed chicken.

  1. It is a complete meal

You may have observed that eating eggs for breakfast makes you feel satiated for longer, which is related to eggs' high protein content. Eggs can assist you stay satiated after or between food, whether you have an omelet for breakfast or a hard-boiled egg as a snack.

  1. Reduces weight

Eggs are one of the finest food options for weight loss because they are relatively low in calories and high in high-quality protein. Eggs' high satiety levels contribute to increased feelings of pleasure, reduced hunger, and a lesser urge to eat later in the day, so you will be less tempted to grab a mid-afternoon snack.

Conclusion: The egg is rich in choline, a B vitamin essential to the production of acetylcholine, a vital neurotransmitter for the control of memory, muscle activity and functioning of the organs.

Written By Ise foods India