Showing posts with label high protein egg Benefit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label high protein egg Benefit. Show all posts

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Female Nutrition: Why Eggs are a vital part of a young mother's diet?

A young mother nourishes her child with her breast milk, and that milk acts as the primary nourishment for the child. And so, the milk should have all the nutrients that are necessary for a child's development. Not just that, but as a young mother, there are a lot of body changes that occur and having nutritious food is also essential for the mom. ISE Foods India suggests that young mothers include high-quality eggs in their diet.


  • Here are a few advantages of including nutritious eggs  in a young mother’s diet
  • Eggs are high in protein and healthy fatty acids, along with all the essential amino acids.
  • They have bioactive compounds and minerals that help in body nourishment.
  • Consuming eggs regularly while pregnant will help you improve birth outcomes and a child's brain development.
  • Eggs helps the mother in healing and gaining back strength after child birth
  • ISE Eggs have over 14 healthy vitamins, Omega-3,  high protein and minerals that are needed for the healthy development of a baby
  • The choline in eggs helps the child in their spinal cord development and is good for the brain development
  • Vitamin A helps in improving a healthy immune system and eye health.

Tips for healthy eggs:

A young mom can have different dietary preferences than the one's she had before her pregnancy, and so here are a few tips that will help you maintain food safety.

  • Always cook your eggs properly (It can be hard-boiled or poached, cook it to your taste). Avoid eating raw eggs.
  • Always buy fresh eggs, i.e. check the best before the date in the package
  • If you find a cracked shell, don't buy that pack. That's because the hygiene of all the eggs in the carton is compromised.
  • Always store your eggs in the refrigerator along with the carton
  • Always separate eggs from other food items.
  • Cook fresh every time you want to eat the egg, i.e. don't store cooked eggs for more than two days.

All the nutrients in eggs are essential nutrients for both the young mother and the newborn baby.

Also, eggs are one of the best dietary sources of Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps in strong bone and teeth development for the mother and her child. A young mother usually faces many bone-related health issues, making it difficult for her to find a new normal after her pregnancy. Taking Vitamin D in the form of eggs will help her with that.

A growing baby needs strong bone development, and the mother's milk rich in egg-based Vitamin D will help the baby with that.

A young mother is responsible for the physical growth of her baby, and for that to happen, the baby needs to consume good fat in the form of milk. And so by consuming eggs regularly, the mother can make sure her breast milk has the necessary nutrients to make that possible.

Conclusion: Knowing how vital egg nutrition is for a young mom buying the best eggs and including them in her diet is the best choice. It will not only keep you healthy but will also help you gain strength and get back to your old bodily energy soon.

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Are eggs good for you? If so, what are the health benefits?

Eggs are the best source of high protein eggs, 13 vital vitamins and minerals, and  other essential things of the body. At the same time, the yolk contains the rest and essential healthy elements. As a result, everything balances out. Saturated fats raise most people's blood cholesterol from processed foods, not eggs. 

  1. Get yourself some choline

It helps by producing signaling molecules in the brain and is utilized to create cell membranes. Eggs are high in heart-healthy and heart-disease-preventive nutrients. Eggs contain folate, unsaturated fatty acids, Vitamin E, and specific B vitamins.

  1. Eggs are suitable for your eyesight.

You should take better care of your eyes as you get older. Egg yolks have high content in lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that lower cataracts and macular degeneration in the eyes. 

  1. Eggs can benefit in the form of brain health

An egg contains 125.5 mg of choline. Choline is not only healthy for your heart, but it is also necessary for your brain. Choline aids with memory and mood regulation. It has been proved in studies to aid cognitive functions such as visual and verbal memory—choline aids in the formation of the membranes that surround your cells. 

  1. Good source of protein

Protein is commonly referred to as the body's building block, and this is true. A three-egg omelet contains 19.5 grams of protein, which is about half of your daily allowance. So you are just consuming 250 calories and it's a pretty filling lunch.

  1. It's good for your heart.

There is no clear link among egg use and heart disease or stroke, different to trendy credence in prior decades. However, other research suggests that patients with diabetes who eat eggs are more likely to develop heart disease. According to certain research, those who consume eggs and follow a low-carbohydrate diet had a lower risk of heart disease.

  1. Lower Triglycerides level in body

Triglycerides are connected to an enlarged risk of heart illness. When you consume, the fat that isn't immediately needed gets turned to triglycerides. They can be found in your blood as well as your fat cells. Omega-3 fatty acids included in eggs help to lower blood triglycerides. This feature is only available in Omega-3 fortified eggs or eggs from pasture-fed chicken.

  1. It is a complete meal

You may have observed that eating eggs for breakfast makes you feel satiated for longer, which is related to eggs' high protein content. Eggs can assist you stay satiated after or between food, whether you have an omelet for breakfast or a hard-boiled egg as a snack.

  1. Reduces weight

Eggs are one of the finest food options for weight loss because they are relatively low in calories and high in high-quality protein. Eggs' high satiety levels contribute to increased feelings of pleasure, reduced hunger, and a lesser urge to eat later in the day, so you will be less tempted to grab a mid-afternoon snack.

Conclusion: The egg is rich in choline, a B vitamin essential to the production of acetylcholine, a vital neurotransmitter for the control of memory, muscle activity and functioning of the organs.

Written By Ise foods India

Saturday, November 13, 2021

7 Best Foods For Weight Loss

 The majority of individuals assume that eating low-calorie items would help them lose weight, so they attempt to stuff their faces with celery. The problem is that celery has almost little nutritional value and will leave you feeling hungry within minutes, making you more likely to grab for the chips or other junk food. 

Increase your intake of veggies and fruits that are rich in fibre, nutrient-dense, and that will keep you feeling fuller for a longer period of time is the best method to maintain weight reduction. Add these seven best foods to eat to lose weight to your shopping list the next time you're at the supermarket. 

  1. Eggs 

Eggs are a popular meal, especially for breakfast, and they may be beneficial in the weight-loss process. Those who had eaten the eggs also reported feeling less hungry and more content three hours after breakfast as compared to those who ate carbohydrate rich breakfast. Additionally, the egg group saw less of a fluctuation in their blood sugar and insulin levels after breakfast. Egg also may improve the metabolism rate in the body and that helps to burn calories more easily. 

  1. Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables.

All leafy greens, such as kale, spinach, Swiss chard, and other varieties, are rich in fibre and incredibly low in calories, making them a simple and effective method to add density to your plate and a sense of fullness while still obtaining critical nutrients. Maintaining a low calorie intake while consuming cruciferous vegetables and leafy greens that are rich in water and nutritional content allows you to successfully calm hunger while also losing weight.

  1. Boiled potatoes 

White potatoes have a terrible image as a diet-friendly meal due to the high carbohydrate content of the tubers themselves. However, the fact is that boiled potatoes are packed with nutrients and may aid in weight loss by keeping you feeling filled for extended periods of time, provided you avoid slathering on the oil, butter, or sour cream that most people do.

  1. Beans and legumes 

Beans and Legumes such as lentils, kidney beans, and chickpeas are rich in fibre and plant-based protein, allowing you to feel filled for extended periods of time after eating them. A diet that contains beans on a regular basis may be beneficial for weight management. Legumes include fibre, protein, and carbohydrates that are slowly digested, all of which may help to increase satiety.

  1. Chili peppers 

Chilli peppers, which are famed for their extreme heat and taste, are believed to speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight. Typically, spicy or hot foods increase your metabolism because they include a chemical called capsaicin, which warms the body and causes it to burn more calories–you actually "heat up" while eating them. 

  1. Chia seeds 

Despite the fact that chia seeds are so little, they contain a surprising amount of protein and fiber and have weight-loss properties. Chia seeds are widely considered to be one of the most nutritious sources of fibre available. The small black seeds are a practical method to add nutrients to your meals while also losing weight healthily and simply.

  1. Grapefruits 

Even though the sour citrus flavor of certain grapefruits might cause your eyes to water, the tangy taste is well worth it. Eating a grapefruit before another meal may help you feel fuller for longer and consume less calories in total.


If someone wants to reduce weight, they should choose meals that are high in nutrients. Foods that are high in protein and fiber may be particularly beneficial for weight control.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Is it Safe to give high protein eggs to babies? What are the benefits?

Protein is vital for your child's growth, upkeep and repair for the body. Protein is the key component for muscle growth. All high protein foods like eggs also contain omega3, iron, vitamin B, vitamin D and calcium.

Till a decade or so back many believed that eggs are nor safe for babies. But now it’s a well accepted fact that high protein eggs can be very beneficial for babies growth and overall health. You may start giving your baby eggs as one of their first foods at 6 months. Just keep a close watch initially for any allergic reaction.

It's best to start solid food for babies with fruits and vegetables, and then it is the turn of proteins. Protein rich foods like fish and eggs have a great nutritional value. It is currently considered that white can be introduced simultaneously as yellow, unless the child is known to be allergic or if there is an allergic reaction in his family.

Therefore, the answer to the initial question is yes: it is safe to give high protein eggs to babies; indeed, they are an essential complement in their diet. It is necessary to respect the quantities and start the first administration with due caution, taking into account the critical opinion of your trusted pediatrician. This is to avoid allergic reactions, even lethal ones, since the eggs 'discover' potential intolerances and pathologies related to food and some medicines.

The advantages of eggs: why give them to babies?

Seen with a suspicious eye for its high cholesterol content, the egg has recently become an unmissable food on the tables for its excellent nutritional qualities and meager price. In particular, the high protein eggs for babies 6 months recommended, therefore starting from weaning. Eggs are foods that should not be missing in the baby's diet, right from weaning.

Here is how feeding eggs to your babies help them:

  • They are a panacea for the health of the osteoarticular system because they are rich in vitamin D.
  • Their choline content helps the balance of the nervous system.
  • The presence of proteins collaborates in strengthening nails and hair.
  • Those who follow a vegetarian diet cannot ignore the consumption of eggs, which supplement any deficiencies in vitamin B12, generally contained in foods of animal origin.
  • Low in calories, the egg is, on the other hand, rich in proteins but also vitamins. It contains vitamin A (essential for vision), D (to strengthen the skeleton), E (antioxidant action), K (role in blood clotting), and several group B vitamins. It also contains iron, phosphorus, magnesium, and calcium.
  • According to the researchers, babies who start eating eggs at six months have higher blood concentrations of choline, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and other substances essential for brain formation during early childhood.
  • They help improve the ability to remember and concentrate, especially in adolescents. In short, a reservoir of goodness and health benefits!


Up to ten years, it is generally recommended to feed a maximum of 3-5 eggs per week. Of course, it is not recommended to give children raw eggs. It is recommended to prefer healthy cooking methods: hard or poached will do just fine. The omelets, boiled egg or the classic 'bull's eye' egg is much loved by the little ones: however, use a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and not seed oil to make the preparation more genuine. Therefore, following a moderate consumption as prescribed by your doctor is sufficient to avoid health risks.