Showing posts with label Ise Foods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ise Foods. Show all posts

Friday, May 6, 2022

Ise Suzuki Egg - High quality premium eggs

ISE Egg Company was founded in 1912 in Japan. After offering the most nutritious and hygienic eggs for 3 generations; we are now bringing these super-nutritious antibiotic-free and completely safe eggs to India for the first time. ISE Foods has always been passionate about making delicious eggs. We have developed the highest class freshness of international standards with a consistent freshness preservation system using the latest technology.

The company does consistent in-house execution of all processes including raising three generations of chickens in a clean comfortable environment, egg collection, packing, and delivery. This makes it possible to provide high-quality eggs safely, every day.

Premium Eggs

Best Eggs

About Us - Ise Suzuki Eggs.

Company Profile - Ise-Suzuki Egg India Pvt. Ltd.

Group of Ise Foods Inc. Companies.

History of Ise Foods.

B2B of Safe & Nutritious Eggs.

The Ise Integration System To India.

Recycling Agriculture of Ise Eggs.

Ise Suzuki Egg Research Institute.

Good job opportunity.

Nutritious Eggs Recipes.

Did You Know - Safe & Nutritious Eggs.

Contact Us For Hygienic, Safe & Best Eggs.

Latest Blog for Healthy Life.

The Love For Sushi – Let’s Find Out About Egg Sushi.

10 Hidden Benefits of Premium Eggs.

The Truth Behind Egg Yolks – Don’t Toss It Away Ever.

How to Buy High-Quality Eggs?

7 Quick Healthy Dinner Ideas (Under 30 Minutes).

High-Quality Eggs and the Truth Behind the Labels.

5 Easy and Delicious Egg Breakfast Recipes for Kids.

What are Omega 3 Eggs?

How Can Eggs Help to Loss Weight?

For More Blogs Click Here...

Monday, March 14, 2022

Eat Egg Yolks for Better Health

Having premium eggs for breakfast is a great way to start the day. There are several health benefits associated with egg nutrition. Besides being high in protein, they also contain vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. Most days, we have eggs as part of our breakfast, whether omelets, scrambles, or boiled. We also incorporate them into various salads and main dishes. 

But you may have noticed that numerous articles and people are saying not to eat the yellow part of the best eggs, that is the egg Yolks. This is completely untrue. The reality is that egg yolks are very nutritious and the same has been proved by a study conducted by Harvard Medical School.

Here are a few facts that you might consider about eating egg yolks for your better health. 

  1. Egg yolks have fats and cholesterol - this is true. But the fat here is good fat and studies have proved that dietary cholesterol of eggs does not impact heart health.  The yolk holds 93% of a whole egg's iron while the white holds 7%. Egg yolks are the best high protein foods. Egg yolks also contain omega-3, an essential fatty acid that improves heart health and Vitamin -D. 
  2. You can find essential nutrients in it, including Vitamin B6, B12, A, D, E, and K. Egg yolks contain carotenoids, which are beneficial for eye health. In addition to their antioxidant abilities, carotenoids protect the retina against damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin choline, found in egg yolks, has anti-inflammatory properties and helps to keep the cardiovascular system healthy.
  3. Because of their high protein content, eggs are one of the best foods for weight loss. Those proteins may also increase your metabolism, which may help you burn more calories. This can be used as a diet plan for weight loss for female. You might be throwing away a lot of valuable nutrients by throwing away egg yolks the next time you have them. 

Monday, December 27, 2021

Can We Get Vitamin D From Eggs?

Vitamin D is necessary for bone formation, skeletal health, healthy muscles, and immune system regulation.

However, research shows that one out of every eight persons in the globe has a vitamin D deficiency. There are numerous reasons to ensure that you get the recommended daily dose of this essential mineral. It is believed that one out of every eight persons in the globe has a vitamin D deficiency. 

Having high-quality ISE eggs makes sure that you get vitamin D. Eggs are one of the few edible sources of high-quality Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is a necessary substance that serves a variety of purposes. Vitamin D, sometimes known as the "sunshine vitamin," is created when your ski comes in direct contact with sunlight. 

ISE foods India makes sure that their eggs are always high quality, safe and hygienic for consumption.

Sunlight is the best form of vitamin D. However, as part of a healthy balanced diet, foods like nutritious eggs, which contain natural vitamin D, can help you achieve your daily vitamin D requirements.

Vitamin D can be found in only a few foods, including:

  • yolks of nutritious eggs
  • fatty fish
  • Red meat is a type of meat that comes from
  • Liver\sMushrooms

According to ISE foods India studies, an average serving of 2 ISE eggs includes 8.2mcg of vitamin D, which is a significant amount of the necessary dietary intake of vitamin D, attempting to make them a perfect addition to the diet to promote appropriate vitamin D intake.

One of the elements is ISE eggs, a highly nutritious and widely available food. When you go to the supermarket, you will see a range of ISE eggs. Nutritionally fortified egg proteins are one of them, and they can help you stay healthy and happy. Whole egg protein is yet another excellent source, as well as a nutrient-dense food.

While the white of a nutritious egg has the majority of the protein, the yolk contains the majority of the fat, vitamins, & minerals.

One nutritious egg yolk contains 37 IU of vitamin D or 5% of the daily value.

Sunlight exposure and the vitamin D contents of chicken feed influence vitamin D levels in nutritious egg yolk. 

According to ISE foods India, choosing egg protein from outside-raised chickens or those labelled as rich in vitamin D can help you reach your daily requirements.

Enhancing the nutrient value of egg protein adds to human well-being and a healthy lifestyle, and the fact that eggs can enhance maternally and infant nutrition in developing nations, end hunger and achieve long-term food security.

ISE foods India says Vitamin D in eggs is divided into vitamin D3 and 25OHD3. 25OHD3 is an active ingredient that has recently gained popularity because it is used as an index for evaluating vitamin D levels in animals and humans. Its biological activity has been five times that of vitamin D3. Only the egg yolk accumulates vitamin D3 and 25OHD3. The rate of translocation to egg yolk is 10-30%.


Despite the fact that vitamin D is known as the "sunshine vitamin," research has shown that even persons living in sunny climes might have inadequate levels of the vitamin. Changing lifestyle factors, such as staying more indoors, sun avoidance & protection to lower the risk of skin cancer and pollution levels, can all affect the amount of vitamin D the body can synthesise. As a result, consuming foods that contain natural vitamin D, like egg protein , can help to ensure enough vitamin intake.

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

How eggs benefit women's health?

In the past, there was disagreement over whether eggs were healthy for women, especially in terms of cholesterol. Still, the current perception is that eggs in moderation are perfectly fit for women. This blog will reveal the benefits of eating high-quality eggs (although it has many more) for women’s health.

Nutritional composition of eggs

The egg has an exciting nutritional composition. It also contains about 10% lipids of an excellent dietary composition. The egg is rich in iron, selenium, and zinc on the mineral side. It has 12.7% protein perfectly balanced in essential amino acids.

As for vitamins, it is full of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) and group B vitamins (B2, B9, B5 and B12). Finally, eggs contain antioxidant carotenoids: lutein and zeaxanthin. It is classified among protein foods, just like meat and fish. 

Benefits of eggs for women health
The best eggs have various health benefits for women:

1. Promotes proper cellular functioning- They contain vitamins and minerals needed for proper cellular functioning. They help the brain, nervous system, memory and metabolism.

2. Providing energy and boosting immunity- They provide the daily dose of vitamins and minerals helpful in producing energy in the cells. They keep the immune system functioning well thanks to vitamins A and B12 and selenium.

3. Reduce the risk of heart disease in women- The choline in the egg plays a crucial role in lowering the levels of an amino acid called homocysteine, which is associated with the development of heart disease.

4. Prevent congenital disabilities- The substances contained in the egg help prevent congenital disabilities, such as for example, spina bifida.

5. Good eye health- Lutein and zeaxanthin are presented in eggs that help prevent macular degeneration related to age, a leading cause of blindness in old age. Furthermore, the vitamins contained in the egg also have beneficial effects on sight.

6. Promoting weight loss- The high-quality, very energizing egg protein help you feel satiety for longer, which reduces the tendency to take food between meals, promoting weight loss and maintaining shape.

7. Promotes skin health- They contain vitamins and minerals that help keep the skin healthy and prevent tissue degeneration, giving it a healthy appearance.

Eggs: pay attention to freshness and quality!
Present on the market in many varieties - from the most common hen to quail, but also goose, duck and ostrich (to name a few) - it is essential that the eggs are fresh to fully enjoy egg nutrition power and their potential in the kitchen.

Conclusion: After all, checking if the eggs are fresh is pretty straightforward: just dip them in a container full of cold salted water, and you're done! Fresh eggs will settle on the bottom while the others will rise to the surface, more or less clearly according to their ageing stage. It is also helpful to remember that eggs offered by ISE Foods India are always characterized by a clean and velvety shell, a completely spotless yolk and a clear and gelatinous egg white.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

5 Easy high protein bodybuilding breakfast

We all know that bodybuilding requires a lot of nutrition, but the most important is the protein diet for bodybuilders. Breakfast is an essential part of the day, and no one likes to have the same things every day. So, we will present some easy yet mouth-watering and protein-packed breakfast recipes so that bodybuilders can have some variety.

Egg Veggie Omelette

Eggs for breakfast are the best. Eggs are good for bodybuilding and that is a well known fact. So why not make eggs a part of daily breakfast if you are into bodybuilding. We all know Omelette is tasty but did you know that adding lots of veggies like pepper, coriander, tomato to it would be an excellent idea. It is always advisable to use significantly less oil for frying, namely coconut oil or olive oil. We could add some chilli flakes for some spicy kick along with a bunch of veggies. The omelette needs to be made with whole eggs for complete nutrition.

Protein Oats

Some of us eat oats and other cereals for breakfast, and what more can a bodybuilder ask apart from fibres and protein. So, we present you with our humble bowl of morning oats and add a heap of your protein shake powder to it. This will enhance the taste of the dish and also will meet the protein requirement. In this bowl, we must add 2 to 3 teaspoons of coconut oil for the fat, and that’s it. All we have to do is put the mixture in a microwave for 2 minutes, and breakfast is ready!

Filling Smoothie

A smoothie is more than enough to keep us full and healthy, and bodybuilders can also enjoy this. With their own set of ingredients, they can even get the tastiest of smoothies. All we need is two fistfuls of mixed berries (like raspberries, strawberries, blueberries etc.) and a scoop of the protein powder. To add some texture and fat, just a tablespoon of MCT oil would do, and that’s it. We blend it all in a smoothie blender for 30 seconds, pour it into a tall glass and chug it down for breakfast.

Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs 

Boiled eggs are high in protein and dense in nutrients. It’s not easy to get the perfect hard boiled egg that peels with ease. Here are a few tips for getting the perfect hard boiled eggs and storing them. Bring a pot of water to boil and add a pinch of salt. Use a large spoon to gently lower the raw eggs into the boiling  water. Boil for 11 minutes ( For soft-boiled eggs, cook for 6 minutes.) Next, transfer the eggs to a  bigger bowl of ice water and leave it there till the shells are cold to touch. Now peel and eat or refrigerate still in their shells till 5 days.

Whenever you have a high protein breakfast always have some fibres with it. Having a bowl for freshly cut fruits or blanched veggies is a great idea. Protein diet for bodybuilders and athletes are a must and eggs are nature’s best source of protein that can be easily cooked and digested. 

Ise foods India

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Is it safe for pregnant women to eat eggs?

 As long as the eggs are thoroughly boiled or pasteurized, it is okay for pregnant women to consume them. Women are advised to consume eggs only if they have been adequately cooked to at least 71°C. 

This implies that pregnant women may eat cooked eggs, but they should be informed that raw eggs should not be used in meals such as aioli, homemade mayonnaise, cake batter, or mousse since they might cause miscarriage. Commercially available mayonnaise and aioli are typically safe to consume since they have been heat-treated to kill any potentially hazardous microorganisms. Check the expiration dates of items before buying and consuming them.

In the course of a pregnancy, how many eggs can a woman take in?

The eggs for pregnant women are a fantastic method to supplement your daily dietary needs with high-quality protein. The consumption of eggs by pregnant women should be included in a healthy, balanced diet that also has plenty of vegetables, fruit, whole grains,and the appropriate number of protein-rich foods such as eggs, lean meats such as chicken, fish and legumes as well as nuts and seeds.

What Are the Advantages of Eating Eggs While Pregnant?

  • Because of their high nutritional content, eggs are an excellent method to supplement a woman's daily nutritional requirements when she is pregnant.

  • It is estimated that eggs include 13 different vitamins and minerals, as well as omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, and are a good source of protein, which is needed for the proper growth of a child.

  •  A single serving of eggs supplies almost all of the increased protein needs that women experience during pregnancy.

  • They also contain significant levels of choline, a vitamin that, in conjunction with other essential nutrients, plays a critical role in the development of the brain and spinal cord during pregnancy.

  • Consuming choline during pregnancy, in addition to taking folic acid supplements, may help to minimise the chance of neural tube abnormalities in children.

  • Eating eggs provides a range of vitamins, including vitamin A, which is important for the healthy development of the eyes and skin, as well as the maintenance of a strong immune system. Aside from iodine and folate, they also contain iron and other elements that are essential for pregnancy.

How to Prepare and Consume Eggs While Pregnant

Follow these guidelines to ensure that you get all of the nutritional advantages of eggs while also preserving food safety during pregnancy:

  • Cook all egg dishes according to package directions.

  • Before consuming packaged eggs, be sure they have passed their best before date.

  • Eggs with fractured or soiled shells should be avoided.

  • Maintain proper storage of your eggs in the refrigerator, inside the carton in which you purchased them.

  • Keep your eggs in a separate container from other items rather than in a dish with them.

  • Hard-boiled eggs should be consumed within three days after being cooked.


When you're pregnant, eating a well-balanced diet is critical to both your health and the health of your unborn child. When you have a hankering for eggs, go ahead and indulge in them. You may prepare them in various ways, including hard-boiling, frying, and scrambling. The important thing is that they are properly done.